Byrd Apothecary owner, Michael-David Carpenter, with his grandmother, Mildred. The company was started in her honor.
Byrd Apothecary started with a memory...
A memory of my beloved grandmother who we lost on January 28, 2013, at age 78. I had randomly remembered her loving all kinds of scented lotions. 
Mildred was her name. To everyone that knew her, she was simply Nanny. She was my grandmother, my second mom, my best friend, my patient and my little girl (she was 4'11" on a good day).
Nanny was grounded, nurturing, honest, an independent strong woman and a force to be reckoned with. She grew up in the rural mountains of Asheville, in Western North Carolina and was married from the age of 16, to my wonderful grandfather, Melvin, who we called Pappy. She had 4 children, 12 grandchildren - and at the time of her death she had 20 great grandchildren and one great-great child! She was the rock in our family.
The last year of her life was difficult. She had developed dementia and was forgetting, including who I was once. I made the decision to move in and take care of her, as I had promised her years before that if something happened to her and it was possible to let her live out her days in her home, that I'd do my best to honor that wish. My parents, Walter and Teresa, purchased a camper that I set up in her yard and lived in while I took care of her. They worked hard to finance myself and Nanny, Michael-David's mother, Teresa, and grandmother, Mildred.so I could stay home and be her primary care giver. Nanny loved having me around, even when she was forgetting. She might not have known a lot of what was going on, but she always knew I was her rock. The dementia had taken its toll and she had gotten to the point of falling, breaking her hip and even burning herself, yet felt no pain. I was able to give her the wish she requested for about 10 months before I knew that I needed professional assistance and that she would get better care in a demential facility. I gave it all that I had and it breaks my heart to this day to have to make that decision with my mother. Sadly, Nanny was at the facility for right at a month when she passed away due to severe pneumonia.
As time has carried on, it has grown increasingly harder to produce memories out of context. I didn't want to lose her. With the memory of her loving scented lotions, I set out to create a product that she would be proud of and love. Her family name was Byrd and her mother and grandmother were also strong women who contributed greatly to who she was. That thought eventually became the birth of Byrd Apothecary.
Teresa, Michael-David's mother, helping bottle lotions
Developing Byrd Apothecary has been therapeutic for me, as I feel that she is always with me - I think of her everyday. With every formulation I ask, "Would Nanny have liked this?" It has helped me dig deep to surface memories long forgotten. I've had numerous conversations with my mother, Teresa (who I call Mother Teresa), that has brought up so many good memories of our times with her. It has created moments in which I've been able to formulate scents and even create products with my mother by my side, assisting with my dream. This has created even more memories for me to cherish. She is undoubtedly MY rock.
One thing you can be certain of - these products have been created out of love. I wouldn't put a product out that I wouldn't give to my own grandmother to use.
Nanny's birthday was September 25, 1934. Since the company was established in her honor, Byrd Apothecary's birthday is also September 25, of 2021. I'm excited to share our creations with you.
I want to personally thank you for your support of Byrd Apothecary. You are helping keep the memory of Nanny alive. I miss her dearly...
Michael-David Carpenter's signature
Michael-David Carpenter
Owner, Byrd Apothecary